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The BREAM2 calculator:

The BREAM2 calculator - for bystander and resident exposure to pesticide spray drift from agricultural applications by a boom sprayer is available to download.
It differs from the original BREAM calculator in the way that the relationship between airborne spray and potential dermal exposure is described, following additional research. The uncertainty in this relationship is reduced and the variability is more accurately captured in the model. A statistical comparison between the new model and field data shows that BREAM2 is a better predictor than BREAM of potential dermal exposures.
The predicted 75th and 95th percentiles of potential dermal exposure are reduced compared with BREAM under normal operating conditions.
BREAM2 v2 including drift mitigation is now available. This includes 50, 75 and 90% drift reduction.
The calculator and guidance document for installing and running the calculator can be downloaded here. The calculator can be downloaded and run on a local pc. Please note that it is likely that it will only run from a local drive, not from a networked drive.
The original BREAM model, as referenced in the EFSA guidance 2014, can be downloaded here
The development of this calculator was funded by the European Crop Protection Association. The original BREAM project and associated model was funded by the UK Government for HSE’s Chemical Regulation Division (CRD). This latest software is an implementation of the BREAM2-IP model, developed by SSAU and Fera in the BREAM2 project, funded by Bayer AG and for which independent regulatory input was provided by CRD. The model and its validation are described in Butler Ellis et al (2018a, and 2018b). It is an update of the original BREAM model of Kennedy et al (2012).
Butler Ellis, M C; Kennedy, M C; Kuster, C J; Alanis, R; Tuck, C R (2018a) Improvements in modelling bystander and resident exposure to pesticide spray drift: investigations into new approaches for characterizing the ‘collection efficiency of the human body. Annals of Work Exposure and Health, doi: 10.1093/annweh/wxy017
Butler Ellis, M C, Kennedy, M C, Alanis, R J, Tuck, C R, Kuster, C J (2018b) Human exposure to spray drift: investigations into modelling the spray exposure of residents and bystanders and its variability. Aspects of Applied Biology 137, International Advances in Pesticide Application, pp. 261-268
Kennedy, M.C.; Butler Ellis, M.C.; Miller, P.C.H. (2012) BREAM: A probabilistic Bystander and Resident Exposure Assessment Model of spray drift from an agricultural boom sprayer. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 88, 63-71